Our Team

  • Picture of Timothy Cornelius in a black collared shirt.

    Timothy Cornelius

    Tim is the founder and CEO of P3 Technology.

    Tim’s northstar is to combat the systematic lack of representation of marginalized groups of people in market research.

    Connect with Tim:




  • Charae Harrison in a black dress smiling

    Charae Harrison

    Charae Harrison is the co-founder and neurocognitive research team lead focusing on disorders of the mind.

    Charae is an honors graduate in Psychology from Lee University and is currently pursuing her PHD.

    Connect with Charae:


  • Woman sitting with glasses on wearing a beanie smiling

    Anja Herrman

    Anja K. Herrman is a special projects consultant for P3 Technology.

    Anja is an internationally renowned disabled writer. Her work has appeared in Teen Vouge, USA Today/Reviewed, the Huffington Post, and The Social Science Research Network. She is also the winner of the 2019 VSA Primary Division Playwriting Competition at the Kennedy Center and was a Top 5 finalist for the 2021 Sarah’s Inn Youth Voice Award.

    Connect with Anja:

